
Esquio allows you to configure their behaviors when a feature does not exists or fails during evaluation. You can configure these behaviors by modifying the Esquio setup.


There are three options to configure when a feature fails during evaluation:

  • OnErrorBehavior.Throw: Re-throw the exception.
  • OnErrorBehavior.SetDisabled: Returns disabled as a result of the evaluation.
  • OnErrorBehavior.SetEnabled: Returns enabled as a result of the evaluation.

The AddEsquio method provides you a way to configure the behavior when a feature fails during evalution:

  .AddEsquio(setup => setup.ConfigureOnErrorBehavior(OnErrorBehavior.Throw))
  .AddConfigurationStore(Configuration, "Esquio");

In the above example, the exception will be thrown if some fail happens during the evalution process.


There are three options to configure when a feature does not exists in the store:

  • NotFoundBehavior.SetDisabled: Returns disabled as a result of the evaluation.
  • NotFoundBehavior.SetEnabled: Returns enabled as a result of the evaluation.

The AddEsquio method provides you a way to configure the behavior when a feature does not exists in the store:

  .AddEsquio(setup => setup.ConfigureNotFoundBehavior(NotFoundBehavior.SetDisabled))
  .AddConfigurationStore(Configuration, "Esquio");

In the above example, if the feature does not exists in the store, Esquio will returns disabled as a result of the feature evaluation process.