Http Store

Esquio Http store connects against a Http Api that has been previously deployed on a Esquio UI.

> In samples/GettingStarted.AspNetCore.Mvc.HttpStore you’ll find a full example of this store.


Install Esquio.Http.Store package, typing the following command using the .NET Core CLI:

dotnet add package Esquio.Http.Store

or using Powershell or Package Manager:

Install-Package Esquio.Http.Store

or install via NuGet.

In the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class, register the specific service for this store:

.AddHttpStore(options =>
        .UseBaseAddress("http://localhost:1368/") //this is Esquio UI base address
        .UseApiKey("b6+KYpSY8VPMBmHLNJ00z80aPOe+Li4EGe4idoKKI1A="); // this is a Api Key on Esquio UI (only Reader permission is Required)

AddHttpStore method registers the http store to use. in this case, based on the default configuration system of ASP.NET Core

And that’s all. Log in Esquio UI and configure your toggles as you need.

Optionally, you can enable cache on http store configuration, this reduce the number of request to Esquio UI and improve the client performance. By default cache is disabled but this can be enabled and configured with UseCache extension method:

.AddHttpStore(options =>
        .UseBaseAddress("http://localhost:1368/") //this is Esquio UI base address
        .UseApiKey("b6+KYpSY8VPMBmHLNJ00z80aPOe+Li4EGe4idoKKI1A=") // this is a Api Key on Esquio UI (only Reader permission is Required)
        .UseCache(true, slidingExpiration: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));